HypnoBirthing® natural childbirth education
Here at Life Balance Atlanta, we believe that a totally natural and pleasant birthing experience is within reach for women. The Mongan Method of HypnoBirthing introduces moms-to-be to techniques and knowledge that combine with natural instincts to produce the ideal birthing experience for mom, baby, and birthing companion. Not only can a baby be born through natural practices, but a mom can be mentally and emotionally present for the entire birthing process with HypnoBirthing.
The body is fully equipped with everything it needs for a successful and comfortable birthing experience. Likened to a marathon, birth requires practice, training, and know-how to be completed as planned. HypnoBirthing offers just that. Life Balance Atlanta offers a fully developed program delivering relaxation techniques, special breathing practices, visualization practice, meditative training, nutritional education, and positive body toning, all packaged within five, 2 ½ hour classes here at our studio. Small classes mean personal attention as we go step-by-step through everything moms-to-be need to be fully equipped for a fear-free, shortened, and joyful birth. We are confident that the HypnoBirthing philosophy will deliver the ideal birthing experience for everyone involved.
Signup for Classes
The cost of the group classes are $425 and this fee includes the HypnoBirthing® book, downloadable card, spiral bound handouts. HypnoBirthing® classes are presented in a format of five, 2 1/2 hour classes. If you are very near your birthing time, it is possible to make special arrangements for individual classes.